My Dear Readers and Founders,
Great founders attract great teams.
Elite teams can be the basis for stunningly large successes.
To quote Steve Jobs, “A players hire A players; B players hire CÂ players; C players hire D players. It doesn’t take long to get to ZÂ players. This trickle-down effect causes bozo explosions in companies.”
As founders, our biggest challenge is to recruit A players.
Who is an A player in your company?
Whichever person comes to your mind first is your A player.
Surprisingly, “A” players don’t necessarily cost any more to hire than “B” players. As Steve Jobs implied, an “A” player will be attracted to working with other “A” players.
So, as a founder, your job is to create an environment for “A” players to thrive.
And in the process, it is worth looking at yourself as well – Are you an “A” player?
Let us focus on performing world-class in whatever we do, and let us focus on building a sustainable team with “A” Players.
Happy Reading, Learning & Recruiting.
Welcome to Global Founders.
Aparna G Kumar