Global Alliance for Green Building and Infrastructure (GAGBI)

Global Alliance for Green Building and Infrastructure (GAGBI)

is a collaborative initiative dedicated to advancing sustainable building practices and environmentally responsible infrastructure development worldwide. GAGBI serves as a nexus, uniting key stakeholders from the construction and architecture industry, research institutions, and environmental advocacy groups, all committed to addressing critical challenges associated with urban development and infrastructure growth, such as resource consumption and carbon emissions. With a strong commitment to driving innovation in green construction techniques, GAGBI seeks to promote the development of energy-efficient and environmentally friendly building materials, designs, and construction methodologies that not only enhance the quality of urban living but also reduce the ecological impact of construction and maintenance practices by fostering international cooperation and knowledge exchange.

The primary objectives of Global Alliance for Green Building and Infrastructure (GAGBI)​ are to:

Promote Green Building Practices: GAGBI is committed to promoting environmentally sustainable and energy-efficient building practices globally.

Green Infrastructure Development: The alliance advocates for the development of green infrastructure, including sustainable urban planning, green transportation, and resilient design.

Energy Efficiency: GAGBI emphasizes energy efficiency in building and infrastructure projects, reducing carbon emissions and energy consumption.

Sustainable Materials: The council promotes the use of sustainable and eco-friendly building materials in construction and infrastructure projects.

Green Certification: GAGBI supports green building certification programs and standards, ensuring that projects meet established sustainability criteria.

Climate Resilience: The alliance addresses climate resilience in building and infrastructure design, preparing communities for the challenges of a changing climate.

Biodiversity Conservation: GAGBI advocates for the integration of biodiversity conservation measures into urban and infrastructure planning.

Green Finance: The council connects projects with green financing options, facilitating investments in sustainable building and infrastructure.

Research and Innovation: GAGBI supports research and innovation in green building and infrastructure technologies and practices.

Policy Advocacy: The alliance engages in policy advocacy to influence regulations and incentives that promote green building and infrastructure development.

Community Engagement: GAGBI encourages community engagement in sustainable building and infrastructure projects, fostering public support and participation.

International Collaboration: The council fosters international collaboration among governments, organizations, and stakeholders to advance green building and infrastructure initiatives on a global scale.

Through these objectives and collaborative efforts, the Global Alliance for Green Building and Infrastructure aims to create sustainable, resilient, and environmentally responsible built environments that benefit both current and future generations, while mitigating the impact of climate change and resource depletion.

It was clear that action at the national level would be required to accomplish the aspirations and pledges. Through effective constituencies, the alliance is dedicated to increase collective advocacy efforts, sharpen the effectiveness of commitments, and ensure that they are linked with countries’ interests and plans.

  • Governments
  • Civil Society Organizations
  • External Support Agencies
  • Private Sector
    • Research & Learning Institutions

We’ve brought different stakeholders together to form an inclusive partnership framework that produces real, collective action at the international level, as well as, increasingly, at the national level.

We acknowledge that a broader range of players, including the commercial sector, research and learning institutions, and civil society organisations, can make substantial contributions to achieve the alliance's objectives.

We’ve significantly enhanced alliance’ interaction with one another, laying the groundwork for development toward a shared vision.

We’re tightening up accountability procedures, and commitments made by governments and donors are starting to find their way into national policies, procedures, and structures.

We’ve moved the conversation away from the global and closer to regions and countries.

We’ve created opportunities for governments and partners to share best practices, resulting in stronger national policies and more inclusive partnership structures and processes.

Stakeholders and people hold each other accountable

  • Across the SDG agenda, high-level conversation mobilises political will for water, sanitation, and hygiene.
  • Multi-stakeholder platforms led by the government drive collaborative action toward meeting commitments.
  • To attract and effectively employ additional capital, investment cases and transparent processes are needed.
  • High-level discourse brings leaders together and connects them to other SDG priorities.
  • Country governance and service delivery systems are supported by a learning network of multi-stakeholder platforms.
  • Better decision-making and analysis are aided by existing and fresh evidence.

The Alliance strategy relies on people who are ready to think, lead, and act outside of their own organisational and sectoral silos, and who have the attitude and convening power to bring all stakeholders together. Individual champions and focal points displaying this bold manner of working should be cultivated and publicly honoured; this is a new strategy that demands active cultivation and continual support from alliance members.

The alliance’s driving element is national engagement; global and regional frameworks support this national participation. The cooperation should evolve and continue to attract additional partners. Such expansion will be an indication of strong collaboration, but it is not a strategic goal in and of itself. A variety of elements, including government leadership, in-country presence of alliance partners, degree of participation of focal points and champions, and Secretariat capacity, will continue to influence the partnership’s ability to engage in each nation.


Global Leaders Group HIGH-LEVEL ADVOCACY (High-Level Chair)

Secretariat SUPPORT (Chief Executive Officer)

Steering Committee STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP (Chair of the Steering Committee and Members)

Work Groups ACTION

Partners ACTION (Governments, Civil Society Organizations, External Support Agencies, Private Sector, Research & Learning Institutions )

Delivery structures

The Steering Committee is alliance's highest decision-making body, with representatives from all constituencies. The global leadership group is a high-level group of alliance leaders who fight for and mobilise greater political commitment to the alliance's Guiding Principles and goals. A High-Level Chair leads the Council. The Secretariat assists the Steering Committee in putting the alliance Strategy, roadmaps, and workplans into action. Each alliance constituency should have one focal point in each partner country, whose job it is to increase country-level involvement and coordinate the particular constituency at the national level.

Balance of roles

Political, technical, logistical, advocacy, and strategic functions are all needed to carry out the partnership's agenda. Wherever possible, these functions are laid out in the alliance partnership Results Framework and associated workplans. The goal of the alliance Secretariat is to assist alliance partners in implementing the strategy. All alliance partners share responsibility for the strategy's implementation. The alliance Secretariat and its high-level Chief Executive Officer are well-resourced to ensure that all partners, partnership activities, and governance structures are well-coordinated and supported.

Multi-stakeholder workplans

In accordance with the alliance partnership Results Framework, each entity in the alliance structure shall design its own workplan. The alliance Secretariat will be instrumental in assisting constituencies, regions, and cross-contituency Work Groups in developing these workplans. As outlined in the Results Framework, a similar set of indicators will be used throughout. The Global Leadership Council, the alliance Steering Committee, the secretariat, partners, and constituency groups will all benefit from independent annual partnership health-checks of partnering efficacy.

Learning, review and course correction

High-level management of this approach is provided by the alliance partnership Steering Committee and its two sub-committees, which include annual performance reviews and revisions to the alliance partnership Results Framework. This learning and review process necessitates a robust knowledge management function that draws on evidence of what works and doesn't work in practise, including both quantitative data and contextual narrative, as well as self-reported and third-party inputs. To improve accountability and maintain a focus on course corrections while also finding, discussing, and celebrating successful practises, the process must stay open and transparent.

The Guiding Principles

The values partners have in common and that guide all joint action


Multistakeholders efforts are collaborations between businesses, civil society and other stakeholders that seek to address issues of mutual concern, including human rights and sustainability. All hands must be on deck to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals. It necessitates the collaboration of various sectors and players by pooling financial resources, information, and skills. Cross-sectoral and innovative multi-stakeholder partnerships will play a critical role in getting us to where we need to be by 2030 in our new development era, with 17 intertwined Sustainable Development Goals and 169 associated targets serving as a blueprint for achieving the sustainable Future We Want. Governments, intergovernmental organisations, major groups, and other stakeholders voluntarily undertake multi-stakeholder initiatives for sustainable development, with the goal of contributing to the implementation of intergovernmentally agreed development goals and commitments, as well as the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.


It is the practice of reducing your demand for natural resources by making sure that you replace what you use to the best of your ability. It is made up of three pillars: the economy, society, and the environment. We work with businesses to integrate sustainability into every aspect of their operations so they may develop new sources of value and live according to their ideals. Organizations must now demonstrate that they are purposeful about sustainability, hold strong ethical standards, and operate responsibly in everything they do as stakeholders demand more environmental, social, and governance (ESG) efforts, regulations tighten, and consumers increasingly expect brands to take action. Companies and brands are increasingly looking to their partners—as well as technology and innovation—to help them incorporate sustainability and make substantial changes that benefit business, society, and the environment. Now is the time for collaboration—for business to join forces with government and society to reinvent, rebuild, and reshape our global economy so that everyone benefits.


The primary, transformative promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals is to leave no one behind (LNOB) (SDGs). It expresses all UN Member States' resolve to end poverty in all of its forms, eliminate discrimination and exclusion, and reduce inequities and vulnerabilities that leave people behind and weaken individual and collective potential. The pledge to leave no one behind is a commitment to act explicitly to ensure that those who have been left behind can catch up to those who have experienced greater progress. Extremely impoverished and marginalised groups are sometimes invisible, and as a result, development programmes are frequently disregarded. As a result, individuals who might most benefit from economic improvements brought about by development programmes are left out. But who are these people who are currently being left out of development programmes? And how can we be sure that our own initiatives reach the people who need them the most? These are some of the topics we debate in the Leave No One Behind Platform, along with others.


Transparency ensures that information is available that can be used to measure the authorities' performance and to guard against any possible misuse of powers. In that sense, transparency serves to achieve accountability, which means that authorities can be held responsible for their actions.


Evidence-based decision making is a process for making the best decisions possible using the evidence available. It avoids decision making that is based on gut feeling, intuition, or instinct and instead relies on data and facts.


Ownership: Developing countries are in charge of their own progress. Alignment: Development assistance must be in line with the policies, structures, and procedures of the recipient countries. Harmonization: Development partners of donor nations must coordinate their efforts. Managing for results: Management must be focused on achieving objectives. Mutual accountability: All parties must be held accountable to each other.

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The Experts Behind the Alliance

Brilliant minds working together to solve problems and push boundaries.

Shelli Brunswick

Global Chairwoman

Santosh G

Founder & Director

Dr. Srimathy Kesan

Mission Director (India)

Basuti Bolo

Chairwoman (Africa)

Dhanush D B

Mission Director (India)

Meshack Kinyua Ndiritu

Global Vice President

Aaliya Viquas

Associate Researcher

Dr. Srimathy Kesan

Mission Director (India)

Basuti Bolo

Chairwoman (Africa)

Dhanush D B

Mission Director (India)

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Problem Statements

Fostering a Sustainable Space Economy


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Building a Brighter Future

Building a Sustainable Space Economy: A Collaborative Effort

Events on Space Economy

Driving Innovation & Sustainability for Space Economy's Future

June 8, 2024
4:00 pm
Join us for an inspiring session with Dr. Srimathy Kesan, a trailblazer in space education and the visionary Founder & CEO of Space Kidz India (SKI). As part of our "Voice of Global Leaders" series under Ground Breaking Research Initiative, this event will explore the future of the space economy and the initiatives shaping the next generation of space explorers. Dr. Srimathy Kesan is a pioneering force in making space exploration accessible and economical for future generations. Through Space Kidz India, launched in 2011, she has designed and implemented programs that cultivate scientific thinking and innovation among young Indians. Her mission is to disrupt the traditional Indian education system by introducing "Space Education," fostering future scientists and space enthusiasts.
June 7, 2024
7:00 pm
Join us for an inspiring session with Dr. Srimathy Kesan, a trailblazer in space education and the visionary Founder & CEO of Space Kidz India (SKI). As part of our "Voice of Global Leaders" series under Ground Breaking Research Initiative, this event will explore the future of the space economy and the initiatives shaping the next generation of space explorers. Dr. Srimathy Kesan is a pioneering force in making space exploration accessible and economical for future generations. Through Space Kidz India, launched in 2011, she has designed and implemented programs that cultivate scientific thinking and innovation among young Indians. Her mission is to disrupt the traditional Indian education system by introducing "Space Education," fostering future scientists and space enthusiasts.
Every year on June 27th, Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) Day is celebrated to honour their role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) account for up to 90% of businesses, 60% to 70% of employment, and they account for half of global GDP, according to the United Nations (UN).

Speaker Spotlight

Visionary Voices: Shaping the Future of the Space Economy

Associate Researcher, Global Alliance for Space Economy
Space Applications Training Officer, AUC. Founding President, Omarichet Space
Co-founder & Director, Lakshya Space
CEO & Founder, Space Kidz India
Founder & CEO GoToSpace
Space Healthcare Expert, Aerospace Innovator
CEO & Founder, SB Global LLC
International PR, Space Advisor and Analyst

Reports & Publications

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Groundbreaking Research initiative

We have embarked on a groundbreaking research initiative to capture the insights of 30000+ leaders across 52 sectors by 2030.  This ambitious project aims to gather a wealth of global perspectives on these dynamic fields. By engaging with 100 thought leaders from each sector, we aim to produce authoritative research reports/ books on each sector. An invaluable resource for anyone interested in gaining insights into the future of these vital sectors.

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National Membership

$ 300 /Year
  • Network & committee member
  • Exhibitions, conferences
  • Action committee member
  • Directory listing & logo branding
  • Business inquiries & leads
  • No partnership, project development
  • 3 Media outreach

Continental Membership

$ 850 /Year
  • Network & committee member
  • Exhibitions, conferences
  • Steering committee member
  • Directory listing & logo branding
  • Business inquiries & leads
  • No co-project development
  • 12 Media outreach

Global Membership

$ 1500 /Year
  • Network & committee member
  • Exhibitions, conferences
  • High level advocacy member
  • Directory listing, logo branding
  • Business inquiries & leads
  • Partnership, project development
  • 30 Featured media outreach

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Creating Sustainable Space Economy

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