It was designed to give members of the creative community, company owners, and entrepreneurs the chance to network with one another and work together to expand the reach and impact of their own brands and endeavours. It gives readers actionable advice on how to improve their careers, expand their businesses, strengthen their communities, and start their own ventures.
Whether you consider yourself an entrepreneur, a bootstrapped founder, a maker or otherwise—if you’re building a company, you belong at Global Founders Council Summit. You’ll be joined by founders and mentors, as well as other like-minded experts that are prioritizing and pursuing sustainable success.
Sessions are all led by incredible founders who have actually done the thing you’re trying to do—whether that’s building a profitable business for the long term, or locking down exit.
GCPIT (UK) & Global Council for the Promotion of International Trade aim to transform the future of business and industry through sustainable business best practices. The primary goal is to promote a nationwide organization that harnesses the diverse capabilities and strengths of the countries to the creation of new industries resting on sustainability.
The Council will promote sustainable business models and best practices to the nationwide creation of new industries over the medium to long term. Personnel from industry, academia, and the government will work together to go back to the basics of sustainability and to investigate and make recommendations on the application of the technology, solutions, best use-cases, and the required industrial structure, systems and rules. Through these activities, the Council will promote sustainable development, with the aim of channeling advances in sustainable development goals into promoting industry and reinforcing its international competitiveness.
Global Founders’ Council for Sustainable Development is inviting the participation of companies and experts who endorse these aims and initiatives. Building framework for proactively engaging and building a more sustainable and inclusive ecosystem. Continually improving the framework of Sustainable Business Goals, and sharing everything we learn with the wider community
Primary Objectives of the summit
- Immediate action on climate change (UN SDGs #13, 15)
- Consumption that is responsible (UN SDGs #2, 12, 14)
- Green Cities (UN SDG #11)
- Renewable Energy (UN SDG #7)
- Justice and equality of opportunity (UN SDGs #1, 8, 10)
- Gender Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (UN SDG #6)
- Workplace health and well-being (UN SDG #3)
- Lifelong learning (UN SDG #4)
- Highest ethical and governance standards (UN SDG #16)
- Data rights are human rights (UN SDG #16)
- Creative economy for sustainable economic development
- Circular economy for sustainable economic development