Empathy is the most important quality of Great Leaders, says a recent study.
Employees want a leader who is empathic to them and their situation.
But why is empathy so important now?
Leaders, employees, their families, and even children are going through tremendous stress due to multiple reasons. Studies say that this is caused by the pandemic and its after-effects. People look up to someone who can hear them, understand them and support them during their moment of crisis.
If you are a leader or aiming to be a leader someday, or even if you aren’t, it is good to develop the quality of empathy in you.
Because someday, at some point, you will be asked to lead.
If we are alive, if we are breathing, we have the responsibility to lead in a crisis. We will have to take care of the people around us.
Today, though technology is evolving, and digitalization is the mantra, we still need leaders with human values to drive them…
Let us always remember that we are humans first.
We wish you Great Leadership!!!
Happy leading!! And Happy Reading!!!
Aparna G Kumar