Patrick Leonard
Engineer, advocate for device based assistance for human progression, world is becoming a busy place, we must better manage our throughputs, we call inter-puts, when outputs are matched with next stage inputs, we get to see what the gaps in service are, especially when it comes to plastic waste & generation of clean energy, not enough device based solutions are being pursued.
- Director MEGA Micro Electric Generation Association
- past Director SPIL Sustainable Projects Ireland Limited
- Past member of National Sculpture Factory Cork
- Past member ArchWay Studios Dunlin
- Past member of AAI Artists Association of Ireland
- Engineer worked on many pharma, biopharma, Oil& Gas, plus industrial design work.
- Currently involved in delivering inexpensive, robust & scalable solutions to generate Hydrogen derived electricity.
- Such solutions are device based & server humanity at local level, easing the burden of what is for many day to day survival