Mazen Fakhreddine

Mazen Fakhreddine

Mazen Fakhreddine Studied construction and public work, but never practice it or worked in it. Luckily at the age of 22 he started working for non-profit organizations for the cause of fighting poverty. Currently, he is working for Near East Foundation (American Foundation Established in 1915) as Business development and Livelihoods officer supporting vulnerable people to start their own homebased businesses to change their economic living standard and fight poverty. 

Mazen Fakhreddine is a Business Developer & Livelihood expert specialized in MSME’s start up, Leadership, Entrepreneurship, rural development. Mazen has worked extensively with local and international NGOs for more than 20 years in Livelihoods and MSMEs development. He supported more than 7000 businesses in their startup phase and trained more than 12000 entrepreneurs on business development and business expansion. Also, trained and support local municipalities, Cooperatives and CBOs on how to implement livelihoods activities, Social enterprises in addition.  Mazen is also a consultant on financial Literacy, Micro credits, Legalization of businesses, strategic planning, and leadership dynamics. In this area, he has also authored many books and training materials for all types of beneficiaries on how to start and mange businesses, in addition to ToT sessions provided to Community based organizations in Lebanon to become business trainings providers. 

Mazen is also, an LVLP Alumni, Nominated and selected by the U.S Embassy in Lebanon to represent Lebanon and participate in the international visitors Leadership Program 20019 (IVLP) titled “Entrepreneurship as the Engine of Prosperity” , fully funded by U.S government and hosted by Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, the program is consider it as number one program in the world for Leadership and Entrepreneurship.
