Laura Giadorou Koch


    Laura Giadorou Koch

    Founder, Women 4 Solutions, Inc

    #w4s-Women4Solutions, NGO that is CO-CREATING the CARING ECONOMY (Founder & Chief Engagement Officer)

    PUROPOSEHOOD: “My life purpose is to create awareness and inspire to action people and institutions towards a Caring Economy. Therefore, I will follow my daily routine to stay fit in spirit and body“.

    Changemaker, impact investor, system social entrepreneur, philanthropist, and lawyer for over to three-decade focusing on microfinance, innovation technologies, education, gender, and climate issues.

    She believes in the power of business and the markets to solve the greatest problems facing humanity in the last 30 years. She sees this in her businesses and the initiatives where she has collaborated with.

    Her life purpose is to create awareness and inspire people and organizations to be a force for good by creating S.M.A.R.T. positive impact. (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Reasonable & Timely Goals)

    Have published articles for the Wall Street Journal (op-ed), Real Leaders Magazine, Huffington Post, and several Argentine newspapers.

    She has pioneered curricula to engage the next generation in critical thinking and Social-Emotional Learning issues, financial inclusion, and women empowerment. As an inspiring motivational speaker, she combines her passion for engaging youth to become “Changemakers” of the world they want to live in.

    Married for 30 years with Michael Koch. Mother of two boys ages 25 and 23, both working and independent.

    FOCUS: Impact Investor, Systems Social Entrepreneur, Social Entrepreneurship, gender parity, Gender equality, Innovation in Education on Social & Emotional Learning (ESL), Corporate Law, Sustainability in Business, Financial Inclusion Women’s Empowerment, Caring Economy, Innovation in Education on ESL & Law

    NY, 100065, United States

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