Katherine Gunderson


    Katherine Gunderson

    CEO/Founder of Grand Bequest LTD

    Dr. Katherine Gunderson is the CEO/Founder of Grand Bequest LTD, a Property Technology company based in Edinburgh, Scotland using data analytics, conservation, and sustainability best practice to promote the global redevelopment of vacant buildings. Katherine believes that introducing data analytics and innovative technology to the heritage and construction sectors will help empower and mobilise our local communities to bring vacant, empty and/or at-risk buildings finally back into use. Katherine has a background in technology, operations, and executive change management which allows her to see opportunities for streamlining and improving complex situations. She has extensive academic experience having been awarded her Doctorate in Business Administration from the University of Liverpool in which she studied decision-making in real estate. Then Katherine recently went on to complete a MSc in Architectural Conservation from the University of Edinburgh with an emphasis on at-risk sites.

    United Kingdom

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