Jovin Hurry
As a strategist, he is enthusiastic at probing young growth companies at how they negotiate around core sustainability and business strategy issues, in their world of turbulent markets, limited resources, social disparities and structural faults. Having worked in different countries, he has a front-row seat to the problems faced inside companies and an iterative playbook for ways to solve them.
As a Core Team Member of NELIS, he has been in a team that has developed 4Revs (= 4 Revolutions), a unique, co-creative ecosystem which aims to help humanity solve the four survival challenges in one generation – between 2020-2050. The team partners with corporations, social ventures, sustainability practitioners and entrepreneurs, educators, public and civil organizations and creative minds on all six continents to inspire and implement next generation initiatives in each of the 4Revs. He has personally covered UNFCCC several COP conferences and worked with sustainability experts on SDG projects.