Indranuj Pathak
A public policy professional with a lifelong aim of ‘water and sanitation security for all’. A graduate of the Institute of Public Policy, National Law School of India University, country’s leading policy institute, I have been a part of various projects in solid waste management, disaster risk reduction, water security and challenges, climate change and issues of human rights and democratic values. I am now interested in working on the intersection of science and policy to bring effective and pragmatic climate solutions. I am also advocating for climate education to be incorporated in the textbooks of the country’s young minds in a more nuanced and thoughtful manner. Have previously been associated with esteemed organisations like Council on Energy, Environemnt and Water (CEEW), ISDG -Kerala, Reach India Trust for short yet relevant experiences. Currently, associated with ‘Initiative for Climate Action’, a Bangalore based Climate movement and organisation, and ‘Chase-India’, a policy consultancy firm based out of Delhi.
Is also a member of ‘Clean Energy for Biden’ working in an online capacity and Visiting Researcher (Honorary) at Impact and Policy Research Institute (IMPRI).
SDG 6: Monitored the progress of Swacch Bharat Abhiyan via project ‘Building a Strategic Alliance to provide Technical Assistance to select districts of Bihar in acceleration of ODF Implementation through Capacity Building, SBCC interventions and handholding support by UNICEF;’ carried out field surveys, formal and informal interviews of communities, and block and district level officials, behaviour change communication, qualitative and quantitative research.
SDG 13: Project on Climate Risk Mapping for India; Assisted the Risks and Adaptation team on research, preparing reports, fact sheets, stakeholder’s engagement mapping, analyzing data.
SDG 16: My role was to research fake news, propaganda based politically motivated stories and hate or violence-inciting news being circulated under a Human Rights organisation, to be used as evidence in the court of law later.
SDG 1: Financial Inclusion – Work at the current organisation, wherein I need to advise my clients on financial inclusion thought leadership ideas or make direct documentation on the subject.