Dr. Sandra Guevara
With over 20 years of experience in the field of Sustainability, and 10 on Circular Economy, I bring a wealth of knowledge and experience that encompasses public sector, non governmental and private sector. From consensus building and policymaking on environment and development, or participation at various multilateral negotiation processes, to the application at the enterprise level where I help with the integration of the sustainable development goals or circular economy strategies with a social perspective. I am a InnovaRSE Consultant (Navarra CSR methodology) and Member of the Advisory Board of the IRODDI project (https://www.linkedin.com/in/iroddi-project-3267831bb/)
One of my missions is helping social and green entrepreneurs, particularly women led businesses, to overcome the challenge of being profitable while generating positive impact. I am keen in getting them empowered to thrive in business while contributing to create regenerative communities. I have mentored award winning entrepreneurs at #PremiosVerde (the most relevant Ibero American Green Contest) while collaborating with #Connexus and #Zahara’sDream mentorship programs.
Another key area for Sustainable Development is Education and research. I am coordinating the Circular Economy and Sustainability Advanced Program at Escuela Europea de Gerencia while collaborating with other institutions and projects related to Circular Economy, Gender Equality and Sustainable Development. Some of my studies have been published by international peer-reviewed journals.
I am also President of Circulars 4the Future, a non for profit organisation promoting sustainable development and a regenerative culture; where we are focusing also in building capacities.
International Speaker and lecturer, committed to building bridges among organisations and people from different professional and cultural backgrounds in order to contribute to global sustainable development while improving the economic, environmental and social performance of enterprises and cities. An example is my participation at G-100, as Spain Country Chair for the Circular Economy Wing (WEF-ALL).