Dr. Badri Narayanan Gopalakrishnan
Applied economist with 20 years experience and expertise in economic modeling/data science, in many areas such as international trade, energy, agriculture, industry & health, the economic impact of new technologies like drones, robotics, 3d printing, nanotechnologies, cloud, IoT, Blockchain, etc.
Formerly, led the development of a complex economic database of over 140 countries in the world.
Visited 29 countries for work; collaborated and worked with clients/team members in many more countries.
Consultant with McKinsey, UN, World Bank, ADB, ICRIER, IIFT, etc. Senior Fellow with ECIPE.
Methodologies: CGE Modeling, Applied econometrics/time-series, applied industrial organization, network science
Teaching: International Trade, CGE modeling, environmental economics, econometrics.
Software used: GEMPACK, STATA, SAS, EViews, GAMS, R, Sed, Awk, Perl, etc.
Publications (See https://sites.google.com/site/badrinarayanang/)
Books: 5, Refereed articles/book chapters/reviews: 100+ (including A*, A, B, C journals in ABDC list, and many leading interdisciplinary journals).
Popular media coverage of my research/OpEd: The Economist, NYT, WSJ, BBC, FT, ET, Nikkei, FE, Moneycontrol, Daily Guardian, etc.
Conference presentations, lectures, meetings and seminars in UK, Chile, China, Ethiopia, Finland, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Senegal, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, USA, UK, Australia, Spain, Belgium, etc.
Reviewer: Applied Economics, Energy Journal, Economic Systems Research, Economic Modelling, Journal of Economic Integration, Journal of Quantitative Economics, Journal of Economic Studies, International Economic Journal, Annual conferences on Global Economic Analysis, etc.
- GTAP Research Fellow, 2017 to 2020
- Fellow, SANEM (http://sanemnet.org/fellow/)
- Member, IATRC (http://iatrcweb.org/)
- Biography Listed in Marquis Who’s Who in the World, 2009 to 2014, Madison’s Who’s Who among Executives and Professionals, 2008-09, etc.
- Fellowship with an invitation to participate in the `Meeting with Nobel Laureates in Economics’ at Lindau, Germany, in September 2004. Several other fellowships and grants for travel, teach and participate in courses.
Consultant with World Bank, FAO, UN, European Commission, Governments of India and USA, WHO, PWC, KPMG, several academic and research institutions all over the world, etc.