Deniz Erkus, CFA
Climate Reality Leader, Visible Woman, board member, advisor and mentor with positive IMPACT: Empowering smart decisions for holistic sustainability for our planet and humanity. Merging finance, investing, mindset, and movement.
COO, CFO and Investor Relations at Leonie Hill Capital, Singapore
Co-founder of Sidemi Business Consulting GmbH, Switzerland
Deniz Erkus, CFA is a former corporate warrior with 27 years of solid international experience. She is an impact Investment catalyst and influencer. Deniz’s purpose is to merge finance and investments with impact, mindset, and movement. Her goal is to activate sustainable businesses to have a positive impact on the Planet & Humanity while raising awareness in investors & stakeholders of a green circular economy creating a carbon neutral world.
Deniz supports significant impact and sustainability projects, such as carbon sequestration on ocean assets, launching a visionary venture capital structure investing in cleantech, climate action, health-tech and financial inclusion investments. As an SDG Finance consultant to UNDP Turkey Country Office and IICPSD in Istanbul, she presented and managed online and physical workshops on SDG and Innovative Finance, Readiness of SMEs for SDG investments and their access to finance.
Deniz is an inspirational speaker on fintech, investment vehicles and impact investing in Geneva, Dubai, Turkey, and Luxembourg.
Obtaining her Conscious Facilitator Diploma transformed her into a new person, with wisdom, self-love, power, freedom, and femininity. As a conscious facilitator with Movement for Sustainable Life, she also aims to support women to become visible and in finding their agency and healing.
Deniz loves traveling, exploring new cultures, cooking raw vegan food, walking, spinning, cold water healing and yoga. She is most proud of her daughter’s contribution to the environment by volunteering in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.