Biju R Balagopal
CEO, Renodo Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
Managing Partner, PlusMatrix Advisory LLP
Biju has 25 years of industry experience in Technology, Innovation Management, Design Thinking, Technical Sales, M&A, etc. He has served organisations viz, BPL Innovision, Bharti Telesoft, Kodiak Networks & Mahindra Comviva. He was the Global Head of Technical Sales and Head of Innovation during his corporate stint. He is a Certified Independent Director. He has a B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering and MBA in Finance. He is also a guest faculty for Innovation and Design Thinking at various Universties in Bangalore, Pune and Hyderabad. He currently serves as a the National Director, Innovation, Incubation, and Entrepreneurship, at CIMSME (Confederation of Indian Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises). He is also the National Chairman for NISTTHA (National Initiative for Social, Technological, & Trades Holistic Advancement), and Director of CoEIIE (Centre of Excellence for Innovation, Incubation & Entrepreneurship) and GCPIT (Global Council for Promotion of International Trade)
Biju is the winner of the prestigious Innovation Consultant of the year in 2017. He has been part of various industry initiatives like SIGILS (Special Interest Group for Indian Language SMS) and TSDSI (Telecom Standard Defenition Society of India) and is an industry speaker.
Biju, today works with big corporates including Fortune 100 companies enabling them with an innovation culture through his unique Innovation Consulting, Ideation Workshops, Hackathons and Design Thinking Sessions. His Global Clientile include companies like Walmart, Mahindra, Allianz, Ooredoo, Nearex and many more…