In light of an unprecedented global movement to increase the number of women at the board/managerial level, the importance of diversity has moved Japan and other nations to implement similar women’s empowerment programs. In the case of Japan, the Abe administration made one of its primary goals to increase the proportion of women at the board/managerial level up to 30% by 2020.
With the movement for women’s equality in the workplace in full swing, we bring together a panel of experts to examine the successes and challenges of corporate initiatives with the intent of fostering women’s empowerment and engagement across world.
Topics we plan to examine in detail are: successful initiatives that have led to an increase in the number of women at the board/managerial level, the challenges that women still face in the workplace, and also a look at the international ideas that the countries can adopt and implement to further the women’s movement.
Panel Discussion On
- Womenomics-in-Action: Opportunities and Challenges
- Why ‘Womenomics‘ Needs to Be Part of Your Business Strategy