Carina Lange
Carina Lange is a multi-faceted international professional, mainly working as a researcher and an independent consultant. She is based in Lomé, Togo. Carina used to work in different functions at the German Development Cooperation (GIZ) as a head of project, an adviser on employment and professional education, as well as an adviser in EU affairs and donor coordination. She has a thematic focus on digital transformation and sustainable development. Formerly, she used to be the German Youth Delegate to the United Nations where she represented youth in Germany at the United Nations and build bridges between the global institution, national politics and young people.
– was present at SDG negotiations at the UN headquarters, representing youth groups
– led several education projects on SDGs in Germany
– mainstreamed SDGs as a transversal topic in projects at German development cooperation as well as in Togolese partner structures
– advocating for SDG benchmarking and mainstreaming