On behalf of the Global Council for the Promotion of International Trade, I am delighted to extend my warmest greetings to the readers of Global Founders magazine on this special World MSME Day edition.

Micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) are the backbone of our global economy. They generate jobs, drive innovation, and foster inclusive growth. This year’s World MSME Day theme, “Building a Stronger Future Together for MSMEs,” resonates deeply as we emerge from a challenging period.

MSMEs have demonstrated remarkable resilience in the face of unprecedented adversity. They have adapted their business models, embraced technology, and found new ways to reach customers. As the Global Chairperson of the Global Council for the Promotion of International Trade, I am committed to supporting MSMEs in their endeavors.

We work tirelessly to create an enabling environment for international trade, fostering a level playing field for MSMEs to compete on the global stage. We provide access to resources, information, and networks to help MSMEs navigate the complexities of international trade.

This special edition of Global Founders magazine is a timely tribute to the entrepreneurial spirit that drives MSMEs. The stories of innovation, perseverance, and success showcased here serve as an inspiration to aspiring and established entrepreneurs alike.

On World MSME Day, let us celebrate the invaluable contribution of MSMEs to global economic growth and development. Let us also recommit ourselves to supporting them in their journey towards a brighter future.

Together, we can build a more inclusive and prosperous world, driven by the entrepreneurial spirit of MSMEs.

Santosh G.

Founder & Global Chairperson,

Global Council for the Promotion of International Trade

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