A Certified Farm Advisor on Millets and has been recognized by the National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE) and Indian Institute of Millets Research (IIMR), Hyderabad.
An agriculture graduate and did my MBA (Agri-Business Management) from Vaikunth Mehta National Institute of Co-operative Management (VAMNICOM), Pune. Currently working as Block Agriculture Officer-cum-Deputy Project Director, ATMA in the Department of Agriculture and Farmers’ Empowerment, Government of Odisha.
Promoting Millets from Farm to Plate so that the goodness of Millets reaches many people. I am on a mission to take the millets to millions. Looking after the implementation of the Odisha Millet Mission on the ground level. Helping farmers from Sowing to Harvesting by imparting training and providing Advisory Services.
Founder of Millet Advisor. Created a Youtube Channel-TCR Connecting Agriculture in which I am promoting millets by covering every aspect of it. On this youtube channel, I am covering Millet Technologies, Processing, Millet Farming, Recipes, and many more and helping and guiding millet entrepreneurs in their journey.
On these digital platforms, I am taking initiative to share my knowledge, skills, learning, and all about millets so that awareness is created in this digital world and my advice and recommendations may help farmers, consumers, entrepreneurs, and all other stakeholders in their decision making.
Contributed to the ”White Paper on Millets” as a Task Force Committee Member submitted to Niti Aayog, Government of India. Shared my experience and knowledge in Agriculture Production, Climate, and Post-Harvest Processing & Policy Status, and Prescription on Millets.