Mr. Lackey is a serial entrepreneur who is now focused on systematic solutions that utilize integrated development efforts. He founded the World Food Bank, which leverages Access to Education (TV/Radio/Model Farms), Access to Inputs, Access to Financing, and Access to Guaranteed Markets to improve the quality of commodities grown and incomes generated by small farmers. WFB also leverages long-term storage technology to hold grains and pulses for extended periods…food as an asset class.
The Mediae programs have won 7 global awards and have proven to be the most time and cost-effective solution for lifting people out of poverty. The company is expanding its STEM television programs into schools and its educational ag entertainment (radio/tv) into Africa, India, SE Asia, and Latin America.
The World Food Bank leverage a commodity storage technology to arbitrage inefficient food markets both for profit and to bring stability to emerging markets.
WHO Should Invest:
• Family Offices
• Wealth Managers
• Endowments
• Foundations
• Sovereign Wealth, Hedge, Pension & Funds Of Funds
• Financial Institutions
• Accredited Investors
Your Goal:
1. Bring an end to world hunger and lift millions out of poverty
2. Get exposure to a new asset class, food, and achieve a uncorrelated return stream
3. Mitigate portfolio risk and hedge against high volatility, price, inflation and systematic risk
4. Add an asset that mimics but outperforms high yield bonds while being less dependent on interest rates
WFB Enhances The Value Chain By:
• Supporting smallholder farmers with training, inputs, insurance and capital lending
• By standardizing product and market data, WFB increases transparency, dependability, and access to information
• With the WFB model, smallholder farmers have access to regional and global markets
Investment funds and banks like WFB provide bid support for smallholder farmers, increasing market efficiency through access to capital
World Food Bank Ecosystem:
• WFB is for-profit with a benevolent mandate to unify and enhance the entire agricultural value chain
• WFB will serve as a leading source for key commodities
• WFB operates much like a traditional bank
• There is a $32 Billion USD annual worldwide need for disaster relief
• WFB seeks to diversify across several food commodities
• WFB seeks to profit from price discrepancies
• Prices in key commodities tend to vary ~40+% yearly
• WFB is an asset-backed investment company
• WFB has partnerships with governments and investment commitments of more than $50mm USD
• WFB was developed on the suggestion of influential leaders from world leading organizations