Fauza Beltz is an entrepreneur, motivational speaker, Mentor and Founder of Fauza Consultancy Ltd. She is the author of Rising from the Dust – A Woman’s Journey to Self-Discovery and Transform Fear Into Freedom – Harness The Power Of Your Mind.
Fauza is passionate about youth development and supporting communities. She is devoted to helping young men and women make a lasting change and live their best life.
Her creative streak and passion for all things art led to Fauza Consultancy Ltd, initially a blog documenting her interior design creations, jewelry collection and her love for fashion. Fauza Consultancy has grown to include interior design guidance, branding, mentoring, publishing, and events organization. She is a qualified interior designer from the Center Of Executive Education (CEE) Dubai (Ed Excel UK)
Fauza has used her status as an accomplished jewelry designer to endorse African Women develop their craft through sales on her website, fauzabeltz.com
In 2019, she founded Fauza Foundation registered in Kenya (Reg No. CLG-ABFEQM) aimed at empowering young men and women through inspirational school talks, mentoring programs and providing female hygiene products.
As an influential Kenyan woman, she is often an invited guest on television shows. She is also the host of Fauza Diaries a digital talk show that offers authentic and insightful take on unconventional conversations.
Through the foundation my work generally revolves around young mothers from the slums and school girls . The primary focus mentoring and providing feminine hygiene products and school fees. Since founding the foundation so far two girls are beneficiaries where by their school fees have been paid the plan is to get more girls benefit from our education support.