Dr Renuka Thakore, PhD, MSc, BSc (Hons) PIEMA AFHEA, Founder of Global Sustainable Futures: Progress through Partnership Network, UK, provides leadership to a global Network, administering multidisciplinary activities and research partnerships development platform. Renuka is named ‘Leaders for Development: Governor Enrique Tomás Cresto’ and was awarded the Global SDG’s Women Ambassador Award of the year 2022. Renuka is recognised for her work as a global leader who has engaged and connected with academics, businesses, and individuals, bringing together Global South and Global North, to involve them in climate adaptation and resilience and just transition. She has set up a vibrant, strategically performing community that attracts enthusiastic like-minded coordinators worldwide. The network welcomes diverse sections and societies of the world and is committed to ‘leaving no one behind’ while contributing to sustainable development goals (SDGs). Renuka loves to dig into real-world problems and solve them by applying systems thinking and transdisciplinarity bringing together technologies, emerging trends in skills, education and employment, and future scenarios, and evaluating strategic realities through the multi-level and multi-dimensional integrated framing of sustainable development. Her personal and professional journey over the last 35 years has taught her the key to this lies within every individual and organisation and how they are empowered through their external and internal support system. Building sustainable futures based on traditional systems is impossible. They could be co-created based on shared values and common goods.
- Founder, Global Sustainable Futures Progress through Partnerships Network
- Research Officer, University College of Estate Management
- Researcher and Lecturer, University of Central Lancashire
- Principal Sustainability Consultant, Rainkal Eco Consultancy
- ISO 14064 -1 & ISO 14064 -2 Greenhouse Gas Accounting (GHG) Lead Verifier
- EDI Group Representative for Early Career Researcher (Research Only), UCLan
- Ambassador and Partner (Promoter) – 1 Million Youth Actions Challenge
- The UK Coordinator for International Research Network on Resilient Climate Development – RIPEDRC
- Future Earth SSCP KAN Steering Committee Member, Observer at UNFCCC
- Steering Committee member of UPEN (Universities Policy Engagement Network) International Sub-committee
- Steering Group Member of Open Research representing Early Career Researchers (UCLan ECRN)
- Steering Committee Member, Health & Safety Special Interest Group (SIG) at CIWM (Chartered Institution of Waste Management)
- Steering Committee Member, Waste Collection, Recycling & Environmental Cleansing SIG at CIWM
- Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA)
- Practitioner member of IEMA
- Sustainability and Climate Change Special Interest Group of the Institute of Environment Management and Assessment (IEMA)