Vice President Global Health Care College Sweden. Master Degree in Global Health, Bachelor in Nursing Science, Bachelor in Teaching Science, Certified Quality Manager, Manager at Health and Social Care College Stockholm Sweden, Project Manager in Healthcare and Entrepreneurship, International Coordinator.
I have experience from the health care sector,secondary and tertiary education education systems. capacity building, leadership and quality assurance.
Global Health Care College Sweden (GHCC) was founded by Britta Wikman, Aisha Amin and Ulrika Nimstrand. Our journey and the development of GHCC started in 2014. We have over 30 years of experience in healthcare, leadership, entrepreneurial learning and quality assurance. GHCC acts on behalf of and in collaboration with national and international actors such as governmental, non-governmental and private actors.
The global shortage of the health workforce is real. Global Health Care College Sweden focuses on ensuring quality in healthcare organizations and educations, at secondary and tertiary levels, in line with international standards and the Sustainable Development Goals.
In the year of 2014 Global Health Care College Sweden (GHCC Sweden) started to take form. The idea came from our experience of working with organizational development, leadership, quality management system and the advancement of vocational educations in healthcare. We wanted to take these experiences into a new organization with the aim of contributing to the development of high-quality healthcare on a global scale.
Over the years, our collaborative network with schools, universities, hospitals, authorities, and other stakeholders has expanded.